Frequently Asked Questions

How long does CONNECT take to complete?

CONNECT is self-paced. The time frame varies for each participant depending on individual experience, work, family and ministry situations. Our suggested completion time is two years part-time.

Why isn’t CONNECT run on a campus?

Participants live in regular housing in order to give them ample opportunity to apply what they are learning in their church and local community. They are encouraged to use some of their time for “normal” things like employment, study, voluntary work, community groups and church ministries. This allows participants to live out all that they are learning in very real and practical ways.

How does discipleship happen in CONNECT?

CONNECT is a church- based program. We encourage participants’ local churches to be involved in the equipping process. In addition, as participants answer discussion questions in the online tutorials, CONNECT staff provide feedback and mentoring as they discuss what God is teaching them.

What ministries does CONNECT train participants for?

CONNECT is highly flexible and is adjusted to suit the intended ministry context of participants.

Can I get credit for my previous education and training with CONNECT?

As participants near completion of the CONNECT program, CONNECT staff give a reference of the participant to agencies, churches and overseas ministry teams. To do this, staff need to get to know the participants well and this happens as participants complete the discussion questions in the online tutorials. So while previous education and training are considered, we encourage participants to complete all the modules.

What is the first step to starting CONNECT?

Once the contact form is filled out, CONNECT staff will be in touch to organise a follow up meeting to help applicants decide whether CONNECT is the right program for them.